Terra Meiga Winery?
We have planted 550 little red and white grape vines on our property, but what do we plan on doing with them? Well, we have a master plan in the works involving a run-down tower and a hidden winery including a loft living space.
So we are going to build a massive tower-looking structure into the hill on our land. It is going to be an experimention/production facility for wine, cider and most probably, vinegar. We are also incorporating a food laboratory to process honey, cheese, jelly and other yummy organic foods from our farm.
Upstairs in our two story tower will be a fully functional living area, suitable as an apartment to live in so we do not bother anyone staying at the manor, our future bed and breakfast. Finally, we’re going to have a terrace overlooking the gorgeous farm where we can enjoy picturesque moments with wine tastings and complimentary sunsets.
We have a preliminary design and architect on contract, but everything takes time. We have a couple of years to go while we wait for the vines to grow and finally start getting some grapes, but let me tell you, they are SERIOUS work. Since the vines are still so small we have to weed around all 550 of them by hand and that is very difficult. Did I mention the electric fence that surrounds it? We try to keep the critters away from the vines but aometimes we forget and don’t always know whether it is on or not! Ouch, my brother an I have gotten zapped more than once. No matter, it will all be worth the effort and we can’t wait to see the results.